Used material has a story to tell. Take it up and spin it further. Grossklaus_Upcycling

Donnerstag, 4. August 2016

The obvious

For weeks I have been moaning and groaning about my inability to find a proper use for undamaged one-way nets. Typically, people rip them open creating the usual plastic mess meant for the trash can. In that situation, I could shine by breathing new life into them. Now, apparently, I have conditioned my suppliers and the nets I receive are perfectly alright. Frustration reigns!


Of course, they are usable simply as they are, for instance when shopping in one of those stores where you bring your own containers. A potato net could continue living as a potato net. OK, but boring.

One could use them for storage of all sorts of material which either needs airing (sports shoes…), drying (herbs, tea leaves, plant bulbs…) or which needs to be seen in order not to be forgotten.

I had just concluded that this was the best I could come up with when I more or less tripped over my daughters skating gear.

How obvious! Add some ribbon and some fanciness here and there and get perfectly functional shoe bags, sports bags, and storage bags!