Used material has a story to tell. Take it up and spin it further. Grossklaus_Upcycling

Sonntag, 26. November 2017

Pallet, clothespins and tapas forks

No nets this time. Pallet! We got into the Christmas mood at a garden center. My partner was inspired to build himself a snowy church which I did not want so that I designed Münster's town hall instead using all sorts of weird stuff for decoration. As much as I like re-using - the forks were new.

Fancy that

My daughter's old handbag was doomed. The color had faded and the pearl stitchery was missing beads. I still kept it, because it made perfect lining for another project. I was just about to make some new outside using nets and felt when I found shiny turquoise leather in my stock.

More on this theme

Now that I got the hang of it I'm on a roll ...





Sonntag, 8. Oktober 2017

Mindfuck and mind clearance

After some moaning, groaning and giving up plus time passed I have finally beaten the beast. Let the material guide you and you get great meditation time while stitching. 

Mittwoch, 27. September 2017

Sports and beyond

Here is your carrot net revived for all sorts of storage problems.

Origami bags

Word of mouth from my crafting aunt taught me the how-to of the triangle bags. The most important thing is to observe the geometrics: 3-square-length.

There are several instructions on the net also, e.g. this one in German.

Couldn't resist

It's not that I need anymore, but the color, folks, the color ...

How-to cases for glasses

Mittwoch, 13. September 2017

Soft care

New notebook - new pouch (es). One was fun, the other necessary. For both I used these sheets of soft packing material as protective lining.  

See-through storage

Some of the one-way nets are great for storage of all sorts of stuff, e.g. buttons, beads and pearls. They also are great gift "wrap".

Sonntag, 3. September 2017

Net shoe bag

 Pretty colors, lots of fresh air...


 Looped and lined the carrot nets

The silvery thread

With the latest net donation came another Christmas tree net (see April). Not one bag is like the other, but here the fabric works so well with the knitted net that I followed the general idea I used before.

Round it goes

Had lots of fun looping the nets...