Used material has a story to tell. Take it up and spin it further. Grossklaus_Upcycling

Sonntag, 22. Mai 2016

The round base

There is this "unableness" to sit in front of TV doing nothing. While I quite like using it as a background noise, I have this fixation of generating something worthwhile in parallel. And so it happens that I often start making things without a plan, not to mention a need, for them. Moreover - there is this additional fixation about having to finish things I started. So, I do, one way or the other. And yes, there are the boxes and corners, where I hide my failures...

I have not tired of the material of one-way nets for some years now. It keeps challenging me for a number of reasons like limited supply, different form and shape. Here, I had started with a round base with some residual potato nets, because I did not want to make just another bag - who needs so many bags anyway. I did not want to make just another basket either. The whole uneasiness about not wanting to make something led me to this relative of a basket - yet another bag once it got the hippie girdles I found in a sell-out for handles. And hey, I like it!