Used material has a story to tell. Take it up and spin it further. Grossklaus_Upcycling

Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2016

Talk about coincidence

Tumblr is a network I visit about once or twice a month. I admire other people's ideas and share the upcycling stuff there; so, unless I have something new, I do not log in. Thus, I was quite flabbergasted yesterday seeing my very own work on the title page. That answers my question how they select the front pictures - they don't. They simply run a random generator, because my photograph was neither designed to work as a center piece nor does it do too well in that position. But hey, I was still thrilled of seeing it there!
Tumblr must have a mechanism in place how to sieve out the pictures with aggressive, insulting or otherwise unsuitable content. So, possibly, there is a person for final clearance.

Dienstag, 19. Juli 2016

Distracted by shower gel

My favored material, the one-way nets, failed to inspire me lately. One reason is the lack of it - not enough there to dream up anything fancy. The second reason is the fact that the few nets I have are all intact - which is sort of annoying, because I do not want to cut them up for repurposing. So, I stand in my own way in that regard. But then I "saw" some other plastic trash. These shower soap bottles seem to be useful as a shell for may  purposes: protective cases for glasses, external hard discs, mobiles or whatever else comes to mind. I line them on the inside with fabric and attach some decoration for the fun of it.